The Plan to Stage the Appearance of Anti-Christ, the New Age Christ (Maitreya, the Illuminati Version of Christ)

"In one instance he appeared miraculously at a Nairobi, Kenya, religious gathering, where 6,000 worshippers recognized him as the Christ, and many were healed." - Benjamin Creme
By David Bay, Cutting Edge Ministries (Excerpted)
Originally Published on August 18, 1991
In early 1990, I was being interviewed on a Christian radio station about the coming New World Order. At the conclusion of the hour, I received a phone call at the station from a man who said he was now a born-again Christian, but that he had come out of the occult.
This gentleman, whom we will call John, said that he was thrilled to hear a Christian leader that had more than a rudimentary idea as to what was going on.
Furthermore, John said that he would like to show me much more material I should read to deepen my understanding of the occultic New World Order.
After our first meeting, John took me to the largest New Age bookstore I had ever seen, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, not far from the Harvard University campus and COOP.
John showed me many books that he recommended and the sequence in which I should read them. I bought the first book then, and have been reading ever since. God used these occult books to really broaden my understanding of the New World Order plan.
Over a year passed, and John and I became close friends, and he my confidant.
Several months ago, I received the greatest compliment to my occult understanding from a "practicing National Socialist", as he identified himself.
Of course, this label means that this person was a practicing Nazi, and it was clear from his email that he was very deep into the practice of the occult.
This Nazi told me that I had certainly been "reading the right material", and he warned me not to try to use my knowledge of the occult to identify Anti-Christ [the false Christ]!! He warned me that such an attempt would probably result in my untimely death!
But, now back to my story. In early August 1991, John called to tell me that the New England Director of the House of Theosophy, Bill Lambert, was holding a seminar at the Boston headquarters. The name of this seminar, "POSSIBLE AND PROBABLE EVENTS IN THE FUTURE" really piqued my interest!!
John said that Bill Lambert was one of the major players in the New World Order planning because the House of Theosophy has always been such a major player since Madame Blavatsky had founded it in 1875.
John said that Lambert still considered him a member, so he could get in, with me as his guest. John asked me to keep my identity of Christian a secret, and just listen and take notes. The revelations were astounding, not so much for their actual content, but because their plans fulfilled Bible prophecy, and much of what he revealed showed that the Time of the End was truly upon us.
Lambert revealed many points, a few of which bear mentioning:
1) Lambert revealed the circumstances under which the New World Order religion was to be established, finally drawing all the world's existing religions into one. He further revealed who was the top leader chosen to lead this global religious behemoth. Of course, this leader would automatically be the False Prophet, of which Revelation 13 tells us much about. To my knowledge, this represented the first time anyone had revealed who the False Prophet was planned to be.
2) Lambert revealed that the occult leadership of the world was awaiting the event which the Christian Church calls the Rapture.
3) Lambert revealed the importance of the appearance of Anti-Christ [the false Christ], and some of the signs and wonders which will precede his appearing.
4) Lambert revealed that much knowledge in the past had been given to occult men throughout the ages -- a fact I had learned from other sources -- but that toward the end of this century another major discovery in electricity would be revealed.
I. Self-fulfilling Nature of Prophecy
Armageddon is a good case in point. People believe in the Armageddon concept, which is that this present world must be destroyed before the new can be created (the new heavens and new earth). Therefore, massive collective belief in this concept leads toward a self-fulfillment of that concept. Belief in Armageddon is intertwined around Israel and the Middle East, and is causing nations toward this region, possibly setting the stage for massive, even nuclear, war.
II. New Jerusalem Covenant Project
Sometime, the following scenario will unfold, depending only on the right set of circumstances:
- Moslem and Jewish areas in Jerusalem will be combined with Christianity to create the New Jerusalem Covenant.
- All religions will convene to celebrate three religious festivals simultaneously.
- This celebration of these three combined festivals will create the New World Order religion and will be the spiritual equivalent to the political United Nations.
1. Planetary Goodwill Congress
2. Planetary Human Resource and Disarmament Congress
3. Planetary Environmental Resource and Space Congress
Thus, when the three religious conferences and the three political/business conferences are simultaneously held, a grand merger of all forces will occur world-wide that will move the world in any desired direction.
Then, and only then, will it be possible to build a combination Temple/Church/Mosque in Jerusalem.
Lambert refused to say that this combination church building would be built on the Temple Mount, as I directly questioned him. But, note that the specific part of the New World Order plan, called the New Jerusalem Covenant Project, envisions the establishment of a combination religious Jerusalem -- Islam, Christianity, Judiasm.
Lambert further stated:
Any purely political settlement in the Middle East would not, by itself, bring peace. In other words, a purely political settlement would leave the religious nature of the problem unsolved.
Any permanent solution to the Middle East conflict would also have to see the religious portion of the problem solved. Once this religious problem is solved, then the power and influence of the Orthodox Jews in Israel would permanently decline.
The impetus toward this type of settlement is made possible only because of a general fear of war. This fear of war must be maintained until the desired political and religious changes have been instituted.
At the proper moment in history, the Pope will visit the combined Jewish/Christian/Moslem sector of Jerusalem to announce that all religions should be combined into one. This action will then finally break the Middle East logjam.
III. Review of the Establishment of the New World Order
At this point, I raised my hand to ask Lambert:
You spoke earlier about the Pope going to Jerusalem; when Lord Maitreya [the false Christ or Anti-Christ] makes his appearance, there will be three types of people:
1. Those whose consciousness has been properly raised so they can readily accept him;
2. Those whose consciousness has been raised somewhat but not so high that they can readily and immediately accept him, but they might be able to accept him after further enlightenment; and
3. Those who will never accept him.
I continued:
What responsibility do the leaders of the world's religions have toward those members of their flock who are of group number two? Will they step forward to publicly urge group number two people to accept the [false] Christ?'
Lambert's answer was that the acceptance of the [false] Christ was completely an individual affair.
I then tried again to get Lambert to state that one of the leaders of the world's religion would step forward to play the role of the Biblical False Prophet.
I said: Back to the Pope for a moment, Bill. You stated that, at the right moment, the Pope would go to Jerusalem. Surely the Pope is a proper receptor to the [false] Christ.
At this point, Bill nodded his head affirmatively that the Pope was a proper receptor to the [false] Christ.
This is the most direct acknowledgement, by a influential person involved in the planning for the appearance of the [false] Christ, that the current Pope is ready and waiting for the appearance of the [false] Christ.
This acknowledgement also points to the Roman Catholic Pope as the False Prophet, because Lambert stated, very pointedly, that the preparation for the New World Order religion was being paved by the Ecumenical Movement, which is being spear-headed by the Pope.
Lambert then explained the fate of those members of group number three, those whose personal consciousness was not now, nor could ever be, raised sufficiently to accept the [false] Christ.
Lambert likened them to a person who had spent his entire life in a totally darkened room: "If a sudden, intense light were to shine into this room, the person's eyes would not be able to endure the light. The person would try to flee the light and go into another room which was dark. Persons of group number three will elect to leave for another room."
At this point, I raised my hand and asked:
How do these people do this, Bill? No one can simply declare his spirit to leave this world. Do these people commit suicide?
Lambert answered emphatically: "No." And said: "I do not know how it will happen, but these people will leave this dimension."
After much thought, I have concluded that Lambert was talking about the Rapture of the Church.
He refused to say that these people would be killed, and we know the Bible teaches that Anti-Christ will not begin killing Christians until the mid-point of the Great Tribulation.
But, Lambert is saying that the timing of the departure of the people of group number three is immediately after the appearance of the [false] Christ; and the method of their leaving is mysteriously voluntary.
I believe the Guiding Spirits of the New Age leaders have created this story as a means of explaining the world-wide Rapture of the Church. Thus, when the Rapture occurs, people will not credit God and will continue being deceived.
Lambert continued with his seminar.
D.K. (one of Alice Bailey's Guiding Spirits) has revealed that, "when the [false] Christ comes forward, he will establish his throne on earth; however, the door where evil dwells must be kept shut."
D.K. identifies this evil as being the "lowest level of human nature where we tap into our primal, base nature."
In other words, this evil consists of the members of group number 3, i.e., born-again Christians, whose consciousness has not and cannot be properly raised so they can be proper receptors of the [false] Christ.
Quoting from Alice Bailey's book, Esoteric Psychology 1, Lambert revealed the mystery of Healing Dynamics. The working of the energy in the Seven Rays will produce human healing. To facilitate this healing, the Hierarchy has revealed scientific discoveries to mankind (pages 373-374).
At this point, I raised my hand to share that certain scientists had claimed they had received the inspiration for their inventions under the influence of a psychic dream. Quoting from my seminar notes, I mentioned Mr. Vogel of IBM, the developer of the Xerox copier, and I pointed out that Thomas Edison was a dedicated Theosophist.
Lambert did not dispute these points, and went on to explain that "electricity is a major life force." He said: "The life-force of electricity is a combination of magnetism, electricity, and an unknown force. The entire universe is a manifestation of electrical power."
Lambert added: "Sometime at the end of this decade the Hierarchy is going to reveal a major new secret to human scientists concerning electricity."
I was enthralled. In my wildest dreams, I could not have imagined receiving such direct confirmation of the concept that Satan has been intervening directly in the affairs of man during this century to reveal scientific secrets. This explains the sudden explosion of knowledge starting at the beginning of this century [the 20th century].
In fact, as Lambert continued to talk, I sensed that the New Age worships science as their God. Being more specific, they worship the Science of Forces as their God, thus directly fulfilling Daniel's prophecy:
"Neither shall he (Anti-Christ) regard the God of his fathers...but in his estate shall he honour the God of Forces." - Daniel 11:37-38, King James Version
IV. A Cashless Economy is Coming and It Will Solve All Sorts of Problems
- Crime will disappear.
- Each household will have a computer with which to conduct all purchases. Computers are coming that are small enough to hold in your hand, so that you can conduct small transactions, i.e., paper boy or a teenager who cuts your lawn. Costs of computers are currently falling so that even people on welfare can afford one.
Virtual reality is defined as mentally creating a reality which is so real that you can literally live within it for a time.
VI. UFOs and Aliens Are Part of the New World Order
They are benevolent beings which will aid mankind in attaining the goal of becoming one humanity. They will appear at the proper time to enable mankind to make that Quantum Leap of Collective Consciousness when the Anti-Christ appears.
VII. Super-Natural Capabilities of Lord Maitreya [the False Christ, Anti-Christ]
Lambert revealed that, when Lord Maitreya [the false Christ, Anti-Christ] appears, he will appear as different beings to different people:
- He will appear as a man to a man and as a woman to a woman.
- He will appear as a white to a white, as a black to a black, as an Indian to an Indian, etc.
William Cooper on Antichrist Maitreya (Uploaded by TradCatKnight on March 2, 2017)
Lambert continued.
Finally, a sound will be heard world-wide which will herald the coming of Maitreya the [false] Christ. Prompted by this sound, people will be aware of his coming on three distinct levels: spiritual, physical, and emotional.
As to the time-table of Maitreyea's appearance, Lambert would not be specific.
However, one of the listeners raised his hand to volunteer the information that he had read that Lord Maitreya was on board the warship at Malta in 1989, and participated in the conference between Presidents Bush and Gorbachev.
Lambert did not deny this, and a thrill went through the truly New Age participants at the thought that this could be true. If this is true, the appearance of Maitreya is very close.
Thus, the New Age plan to stage the appearance of Anti-Christ may very well be coinciding with God's Timetable, just as every Fundamentalist Bible scholar has always maintained!
This concludes my notes on this most interesting seminar. I leave it to you to reach conclusions on the significance of these revelations. However, remember two things:
1. Bill Lambert admits he is being guided by his Guiding Spirits who are telling him many things concerning the immediate future.
2. Bill Lambert is a participant in the critically important New Jerusalem Covenant Project. The goal of this project is to create the plan by which Maitreya can solve the Middle East crisis and use this crisis to stage his appearance in the world.
I would not be surprised if this group is actually writing the Peace Treaty/Covenant which Maitreya will sign with Israel at the proper time. This would then directly fulfill Daniel's prophecy of 9:27.
Who is Maitreya? Who are the Masters?
A global "crisis" demands action by a global government and that, my friends, is THE Plan! When Anti-Christ stages his appearance, he will claim to be an Ascended Master from another dimension; i.e., an alien being that is friendly and just has our best interests at heart. - David Bay, Cutting Edge MinistriesBy Share International Australia
April 9, 2013
Introductory brochure (excerpt below):
This six page colour brochure contains comprehensive background information on the emergence into the world of Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom.
It covers Maitreya's Priorities, Evidence of Maitreya's Presence, Unexplained Phenomena, The Ageless Wisdom Teachings, Transmission Meditation, and The Promise of the Future.
According to esotericist Benjamin Creme, that leadership is now among us.
A colossal spiritual Teacher has entered our world and has begun his open work with humanity.
Maitreya, the World Teacher, will demonstrate the path of cooperation and sharing, and guide humanity forward into an age of peace and right relationship among all nations.
This unprecedented period in human history will be ushered in by a group of highly advanced men, the Masters of Wisdom, who for countless millennia have, from behind the scenes, guided the course of human evolution.
At their head, and now physically present in the world, is Maitreya, the World Teacher.
The Masters of Wisdom, together forming our Spiritual Hierarchy, are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet. They have inspired all the great human achievements age after age, working from behind the scenes through their disciples in every field of endeavor. The Masters guide and teach, but it is humanity itself, responding of its own free will to their stimulus, which creates each new civilization.
Now, at the dawning of the Aquarian age, Maitreya, the head of the Masters of Wisdom and our eldest brother, has returned to the everyday world for the first time in thousands of years to inaugurate the age and to guide us out of the perilous situation we have created for ourselves.
He has been expected for generations by the major religions under different names--the Christ by Christians, Krishna by Hindus, the Imam Mahdi by Muslims, the Messiah by the Jews, Maitreya Buddha by the Buddhists [the only ones who have it right, according to Benjamin Creme].
His coming fulfills each of their prophecies, but he is not a religious teacher. Rather, he is here as an educator in the broadest sense--the World Teacher for all humanity, religious or not.
He has not come to judge, but to inspire us to make the inner and outer changes necessary for our own survival and further evolutionary growth.
Maitreya descended from his ancient retreat in the Himalayas in July of 1977 to take up residence in the Asian community of London, England, which continues to be his point of focus in the modern world.
From there, as an apparently ordinary man, he works behind the scenes, directing his transforming energies to every corner of the earth.
His primary concerns are the economic, political and social imbalances in the world today, and the spiritual crisis at their root.
Maitreya assures us, "My heart tells me your answer, your choice, and is glad." He foresees that we will accept his guidance and rebuild our world along more just and compassionate lines--the only basis for lasting peace.
Three kinds of evidence point to Maitreya's presence in the world today: astonishing and unlikely political changes, appearances by Maitreya to groups and individuals, and an increasing incidence of miraculous events throughout the world [end of apartheid in South Africa, dissolution of the Soviet Union, end of the Cold War, East and West Germany reunited after the destruction of the Berlin wall].
These local breakthroughs allowed more open signs of Maitreya's presence to be manifested.
World leaders and ordinary citizens alike began to experience him in person and in dreams.
In one instance he appeared miraculously at a Nairobi, Kenya, religious gathering, where 6,000 worshippers recognized him as the Christ, and many were healed.
Editor's Note: See Obama, the False Prophet, Seems Destined to Win Re-election
Photographs of Maitreya were taken, and a Kenya Times account was reported by international news organizations.
Since then, he and several other Masters have increased this activity by appearing to people in all walks of life. They appear in many guises, offering needed insights or protection from harm, and always strengthening a person's faith and hope for the future.
Maitreya's first public interview took place in December 2009 on a major American television network.
"He isn't expected to use the name Maitreya or to talk about Himself, but is expected to talk about the state of the world and what can be done to rebuild it. Maybe you'll see and recognize Him. He has said that He has over 1.5 billion people who He can depend on."
According to Mr Benjamin Creme, the Lord Maitreya, the Christ, has appeared on TV in USA for the first time recently.
He declared this at his monthly lecture at Friends House, Euston Road, London, UK on 14th January 2010. This is the greatest news I have ever heard and it is the greatest news for the whole humanity.
He said that the Christ has started his open work in the world.
His TV appearance was watched by about 12-14 million people, according to the information provided by Mr Creme. There was star appearing in the sky at the time.
Maitreya is the head and leader of the Spiritual Kingdom (the Kingdom of God), Master of all Masters (teacher of all teachers) and teacher alike of angels and men, as St Paul once said.
This is a momentous event for which we have been waiting for 2000 years. We are blessed to have the Christ living among us.
This TV appearance in USA will lead to further TV appearances in Japan, UK and elsewhere in the world and will lead to the day of declaration when he will speak to the whole humanity linked by satellite and overshadow whole humanity and everyone will hear him in their own language telepathically.
At the same time, his energy of love will flow to whole humanity, and there will be many miraculous cures.
He will advise us to share the resources of earth with our brothers in the 3rd world so that no one will die of starvation.
With the sharing of resources all the wars will come to an end. There will be no terrorism, and peace will prevail over the whole world.
Sharing will lead us to new technology and to the creation of a new brilliant golden civilisation on earth.
Eventually Christ will be joined by 40 of his disciples, the Masters of Wisdom, including the Master Jesus, who appeared as Jesus in Palestine 2000 years ago.
Spiritual hierarchy composed of Masters of Wisdom and Lords of Compassion will be living openly among us teaching and advising humanity. The last time they were living openly was about 90,000 years ago. Therefore Kingdom of God will exist alongside human kingdom on earth.
Masters will teach us how to avoid global warming through the use of new technology.
According to Mr Creme, they will advise against the use of nuclear power, which is damaging the dark matter (etheric matter) of our planet, causing untold damage to human health and leading to an epidemic of Alzheimer's disease. The primitive scientific instruments used by our earth scientists are not able to detect these effects. Due to our primitive scientific knowledge we are not aware of these effects.
All the great religions posit the idea of a further revelation to be given by a future Teacher.
Christians hope for the return of the Christ, the Buddhists look for the coming of another Buddha (the Lord Maitreya), while Muslims await the Imam Mahdi, the Hindus a reincarnation of Krishna, and the Jews the Messiah.
Students of the esoteric tradition know all these as different names for the same individual--the Lord Maitreya, the World Teacher, the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Masters, and they look for His imminent return now.
Recommended reading:
Maitreya s Teachings, The Laws of Life,Edited and introduced by Benjamin Creme, Share International Foundation, ISBN 90-71484-31-9
The Great Approach, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
The Art of Co-operation, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, Benjamin Creme (The Tara Press)
Maitreya Mission Volume One, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
Maitreya Mission Volume Two, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
Maitreya Mission Volume Three, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
Alice A Bailey, The Reappearance of Christ (London: Lucis Press, 1948)
Alice A Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy (London: Lucis Press, 1955)
H P Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine (London: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1888)
Helena Roerich, Leaves of Morya s Garden, Volume I : The Call (New York: Agni Yoga Society, 1924)
- Leaves of Morya s Garden, Volume II : Illumination (New York: Agni Yoga Society, 1925
When you see Me, you will understand the reasons for your presence in the world. You are here, my friends, to serve the plan of God. You are here, each of you, from love of your brothers. You are here too, to learn, to expand your knowledge of that Plan and to progress along the Path. That is the truth of your presence at this time. Take heed, then, of this opportunity which I present to you: to share with Me in my work of succour, to ease my burden, to unfold God within you and to lead your brothers to Light.
Many there are whom I call. Many there are who wait and listen. Few there are, indeed, who seize the time and act. These few are my people. May you become one of them.
Lord Maitreya
The ‘Star’ Sign – new Share International video, now on YouTube
Share International
Share International has produced a 10 minute film called The ‘Star’ Sign, which is now available on YouTube website, presenting the extraordinary phenomenon of the ‘star’ heralding Maitreya’s emergence.
Since Benjamin Creme’s first announcement in December 2008, Share International has received hundreds of photographs of the ‘star’ from all over the world, and witnesses have independently posted on YouTube dozens of videos of the ‘star’ from different countries with much debate as to its meaning and purpose.
The new film contains vivid photographs, video footage and media reports from Brazil, Colombia, Sky News, and a clip from a Benjamin Creme lecture. Viewers can see how the ‘star’ moves, changes shape and emits rays of brilliant colours.
It is, of course, according to Benjamin Creme’s Master, not a star per se, but one of four gigantic spacecraft, positioned so that one is visible from any part of the globe, an awesome sign to the world that an extraordinary event is about to happen – the emergence of Maitreya into public view.
Take part in this extraordinary event by looking for the ‘star’. If you photograph or film it, please report it to the media or Share International magazine and help create an open media debate about its meaning and purpose.
See ‘The ‘Star’ Sign’ at: (video has been removed)
Q. I am confused about the connection between Maitreya and beings from other planets, e.g. the large spaceships that are appearing as the ‘star’. What is the connection between Maitreya and these Beings? Why would they be involved in His coming?
A. We are all part of one unitary solar system. The public may not generally know about, or believe in, the reality of life on other planets of our system but the Hierarchies of all the planets are in contact. There is indeed a kind of Interplanetary Parliament representing all the planets. The Space Brothers are here to help the people of Earth to overcome the difficulties which our own ignorance has brought about and to work with Maitreya, and our Spiritual Hierarchy as a whole, in the work of salvage. It is a spiritual mission.
23 September 2009
Q. When will Maitreya first appear on television? Is it related to more people seeing the ‘star’ and/or to the further collapse of our financial systems?
A. It does not entail a further collapse of our systems and it is not really related to more people seeing the ‘star’.
My information is that Maitreya’s first interview is taking place very, very soon – sooner than you think possible. But obviously, if more people saw the ‘star’ and reported the sightings we could start a worldwide media debate about what the ‘stars’ are.
People needn’t necessarily agree with what I believe them to be – gigantic spaceships: one from Mars, one from Jupiter, one from Venus and one from a planet whose name has not been given. They are spacecraft (not ordinary UFOs doing their ordinary work, which is extraordinary) which do this special work vis-à-vis the ‘star’.
I have been told the four ‘stars’ will be in place until the Day of Declaration, in the North, South, East and West, so that wherever you are in the world your area will be covered by a ‘star’. All you have to do is keep looking for them; they don’t appear all the time. People imagine you just look up and suddenly see them. It is not that simple. They are gigantic but they do not fill the sky. They are larger than planets and stars and they move.
Each ‘star’ is about the size of five football fields put together. They don’t appear all the time because they have to recharge their batteries. So they move as close to the sun as possible to recharge their batteries that way. That takes time and then they return to position and move around. That is the thing about the ‘star’ – it moves around. Sometimes, they move about if asked: when you see one you can ask it to move; they have been known to respond to human thought. In fact, we recently published a letter in Share International in which the writer saw the star and asked: “If you are the star can I see another one?” And almost immediately another appeared next to the first, and then another and the fourth. They lined up next to one another.
Q. How can Maitreya emerge if the mainstream media continues to suppress reports about the ‘star’?
A. If the media were to continue indefinitely to suppress reports about the ‘star’ Maitreya would just come forward.
Maitreya has had these craft from our own solar system placed in position around the Earth as a sign heralding His emergence. It replicates what happened in the Middle East when Jesus was born. The Star of Bethlehem guiding the wise men was a spacecraft. This is a repetition of that event. But now there are four and they can be seen sometimes during the day and, of course, at night. They can be seen if you are assiduous and you look often. If you go out star-hunting take a camera with a good zoom. We have photographs of the star which look more like spacecraft than stars.
Look at YouTube [website] and you will see dozens of videos or photographs of the ‘star’.
Q. Are the ‘stars’ life forms?
A. The ‘stars’ are not life forms, they are craft made on Mars, Venus, Jupiter and the other unnamed planet. Two were made on Mars which is the spacecraft ‘factory’ for our solar system; it makes about 90 per cent of all the spacecraft. They are made by thought and are not of dense physical matter. If you went to Mars you would see nothing, but there are more Martians on Mars than there are people on Earth.
Q. Are the ‘star’ visitors guided by Maitreya?
A. No. I am sure that this has all been well thought out between Maitreya and the Space Brothers. I am sure He would leave it up to them to carry out the required mission.
Q. The ‘star’, which you announced in December 2008, is not constantly visible throughout the whole world, but now and then in some places. If the ‘star’ were to be visible constantly, the acceptance by the public would be much easier. Is the appearance of the ‘star’ bound by certain laws?
A. Yes. They can only show their light for a given number of hours per day before needing to be recharged from the sun.
Q. Is there any reason to hope that the Emergence will take place anytime soon? At Christmas you gave many people who trusted you reason to set their hopes very high, but it all seems to have ‘petered’ out. What was billed as a “very bright star visible to everyone both day and night” seems to have panned out to be a tiny fraction of what we were led to hope for. That has caused some people to back away from Share International. (1) Is it possible that Maitreya’s emergence may take place a number of years from now, or (2) that He may have changed His mind about working openly on the world stage?
A. (1) No. (2) No. Of course, everyone hopes to see Maitreya soon but they are so impatient, unaware as they are of the tremendous opposition that exists, cosmic and planetary, to Maitreya’s emergence. The question to ask oneself is, I think, what have I done to speed His emergence? Is it enough or am I just waiting on the sidelines for Maitreya to act?
Added 11.9.2009
Q. (1) Is the new ‘star’ the return of the star of Bethlehem or the “sign of the Son of Man” as prophesized by Jesus? (2) Are all the things that have been happening in the recent past, signs of Him appearing soon? (3) How do you explain the Bible’s prophecy in Matthew 24:29-31, where Jesus says He will come “on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory”? And the scripture that says: “And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple, even the Messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight. Behold, He is coming”, says the Lord of Hosts.” (Malachi 3:1) This is plainly talking about a real temple in Israel (to me, at least). The problem is that the Jewish people have not rebuilt the ancient temple of Solomon. This prophecy is yet to be fulfilled. (4) How do you see this happening?
A. (1) The ‘star’ is, symbolically, the sign of the Son of Man and heralds the first appearance of Maitreya, the World Teacher, on US television, interviewed not as Maitreya, but as an ordinary man. (2) Yes. (3) Maitreya descended from His retreat in the high Himalaya on 8 July 1977, stayed some days in Pakistan, then came from Karachi to London, UK, on 19 July 1977, thus “coming in the clouds” which today all can do by aeroplane. (4) The ‘temple’ referred to in this symbolic text is not a building but means humanity, to which the Son of Man returns as the oldest and highest of men.
Q. Fear still sells better than hope. This is one reason for media inhibition of the ‘star’. Fear also governs their editors. I had an experience with a nationwide paper whose editor in chief refused to publish an advert for the ‘star’. He didn’t state any reason for declining, but I guess it had been fear of something strange, peculiar and controversial. Most people would rather go on in old self-destructive ways and media as a whole are the last ones who would
A. I totally agree.
Q. I was at your London lecture on 23 April 2009 and you spoke very urgently about the need to get the existence of the ‘star’ into media outlets (radio, television, the internet, etc), so that there is an open public discussion/debate about its meaning.
A. As Maitreya says: “Nothing happens by itself. Man must act and implement his will.” Maitreya desires as much public discussion as possible otherwise the function of the ‘star’ in heralding His approach,
Q. I have been following the news about the ‘star’. I am very much hoping that what people are seeing is the miracle star. But I am wondering whether any unusual sightings have been reported by people who spend their days looking at the stars through giant telescopes, etc. Were the scientific community to observe something new I would be reassured that it is not simply Venus being mistaken for something more unusual. Has this happened yet?
A. The response from professional stargazers has been a deafening silence. Why the silence? Are they following governmental orders to keep quiet about any unusual sightings (like UFOs)? On the other hand, reports of sightings have been flooding in from all over the world – from Norway to New Zealand and the USA to Japan. YouTube is full of reports, many of the ‘star’ although the reporter usually has no idea what, in fact, he is seeing. Some earlier reports were indeed about Venus, but since 28 March Venus has gone beyond our sight. So now there is no confusion. The ‘star’ is brighter even than Venus, changes colour frequently and moves position. So obviously it is not a real star. There are, in fact, four such “star-like luminaries” covering the world. They are gigantic spacecraft (each one about the size of five football grounds put together). They all come from planets of our own solar system. They are a sign, heralds of the first public appearance on American television of Maitreya, the World Teacher.
Q. Thanks for all of the great work that you have done so gracefully for so many years. I have one question that has been gnawing at my mind for several weeks: why have you been calling the light in the sky ‘the star’, while some of your regular readers know it is one or more UFOs?
It seems that many people would quickly become very confused by your references to ‘the star’, especially after they look at the photographs (and accompanying text) on the Share International website that clearly indicates that it appears and disappears in a wide variety of different locations, colours, and forms, and that it moves around randomly (unlike any other star) like a spacecraft might.
To my mind calling it a‘star’, makes it all too tempting for the public (including all those who are open to UFOs), to dismiss the story as baloney. So, why not cut out the pretence and call it a UFO?
A. There is no pretence. Knowing the nature of the ‘star’, as four gigantic spaceships from several planets of our System, I had great difficulty in deciding just how to present it to the general public and media. I decided to follow my Master’s example. He had called it a “star-like luminary of brilliant power”, and related it to the ‘star’ which led the ‘three wise men’ to the birthplace of Jesus. Some of us know that that ‘star’ was a spacecraft too, but is accepted by millions as a miracle star.
It was just before Christmas so I called it a ‘Christmas star’, sure that that would be more interesting and magnetic than a prediction about a UFO. In Britain at least, people are much more sceptical of UFOs than in the USA, for example. Of course, at each lecture I make it clear that what looks like a star is, in fact, one of four huge spacecraft. In a lecture, one has time and opportunity to enlarge on the subject and the meaning and purpose of the phenomenon. In a press release or advertisement one is limited by space and the need to be succinct. The result from the public has been encouraging – eager and excited and amazed by the sheer beauty of the spectacle. The response of the media has been almost nil, as if there was an embargo on mentioning something so important as the herald of the Christ. However, it could be that media interest is starting now. Thank you for your kind words.
Q. Many people in foreign countries have had the pleasure of seeing the ‘star’, but I don’t think it has been over England very much. I live in the south-east, and I haven’t heard of anyone seeing it here in my area. So often the skies are cloudy, but I look every day and night for it. Is it likely to come here again? I have downloaded the photograph of it over Oslo, and given it out to many people in the hope of spreading the news of Maitreya. God bless you all at Share International. I love the magazine.
A. We have some excellent photographs sent in to Share International by people in these islands, but our cloudy skies are certainly a hindrance. However, keep looking and, if possible, take pictures. Thank you for your comments on Share International magazine.
Q. I have noticed that Benjamin Creme’s lectures are running throughout 2009. Why would we need more lectures? After we all see the ‘star’ won’t Maitreya be the main speaker or is the star going to run its show for another year before the appearance of Maitreya? I have been an amateur astronomer for 25 years. Stars are suns, they don’t move in orbital cycles. Would you care to enlighten me on a star that moves? Maybe it’s another object that has a projected orbit?
A. Lectures are given to inform new people of our information. That means about 6 billion people who still have not heard what is happening in our world. The ‘star’ has a limited period as a sign of Maitreya’s presence and first public interview. Stars, as you say, do not move. Nor, I think, do they change colour constantly and disappear at high speed. There are four “star-like luminaries” which are now seen by many people around the world. They are huge spacecraft from different planets of our solar system. Their presence among us is further proof of the reality of UFOs and intelligent and harmless life in our own solar system.
Q. (1) In what way can you recognise the ‘star’ sign and not get it mixed up with celestial bodies? (2) I know it is seen in the west. Does it move in any way? I’m looking for it in my vicinity but don’t think I have spotted it yet. Is there a chance it would make a wee cheeky appearance over Scotland anytime in the future?
A. (1) For a start, it is very bright, brighter than Venus, changes colour and moves. (2) I don’t think we have had reports from Scotland but we have from Canada and New Zealand where many ex-Scots live, as you know. I will see if I can do anything for a magnificent sighting over Glasgow, my dear old birthplace!
Q. When I was staying in a house in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, in March 2009, I noticed a handprint mark on my bedroom window. Back at my home in São Paulo, I realized that there were also some fingerprints on my own bathroom mirror. (1) Were these handprints manifested by Maitreya? (If yes, it’s becoming a frequent phenomenon in my house!) (2) Is this a sign that Maitreya’s appearance is near? (3) On 14 April, at 21.30, I was coming home in São Paulo, when I saw a strange star that was changing colours very quickly, and then disappeared. (3) Was it the ‘star’ and did anyone else realize it was there? (4) Also, on 6 April 2009, outside my home, I noticed an object in the distant sky outside my home. It was emitting a light at times and I remembered that some people who had seen the ‘star’ had asked it to become brighter. I decided to do the same: when I did it really became brighter even when the object was behind the clouds, and was brighter only at the times that I asked. It was a great moment and was like a confirmation. Was it the star?
A. (1) Yes, it is a Sign of His Presence. They are appearing in many parts of the world. (2) YES, very near. (3) Yes, the ‘star’ and many others saw it. (4) It was the ‘star’.
Q. I saw the photograph of the ‘star’ on your website, taken from New Zealand. If something unusual is spotted in our skies, it is normally all over radio talkback programmes and the media, immediately. Not a squeak so far!
If this ‘star’ has been seen from so many countries, it amazes me that astronomers haven’t been speaking out and discussing it, by now! The fact that they are not, seems illogical.
I have been searching in vain for comment from the local astronomy community. The deafening silence does not inspire confidence! I hope with all my heart that there is such a ‘star’ but for now I’m finding it hard to accept!
A. I agree. It is quite extraordinary, this media and professional silence. The ‘star’ is seen all over the world, sometimes even in broad daylight, yet the media and astronomers alike refuse to speak about it. It begins to look as though they are following instructions from somewhere.
Q. I have been reading about the ‘star’ sign on your website. I asked my uncle about the new star but he was unable to find anything more about it, even though he has some fairly advanced telescopes and photography equipment. He cannot find the star in the sky (he lives in Toronto, Canada). Is there any way you can release some astronomical information on this ‘star’ so we can get a better look at it? I know you already have some photographs on your website though they do not seem to contain enough context to determine where the ‘star’ is.
A. Look for a star-like brilliant light which changes colour, moves and sometimes just disappears. It is not a real astronomical ‘star’ but a spaceship.
Q. I saw what I thought was the ‘star’ about 8.45pm on 14 April 2009 when coming out of a Transmission Meditation session in Ladbroke Grove, London. It was in the western sky quite low down, very bright like Venus has been recently. I travelled by underground to my home, which took about an hour, and could still see it. Was it the ‘star’?
A. It was indeed the ‘star’.
Share International
News Release no. 87
11 December 2008 -Christmas Miracle
For years the world has been filled with miracles of all kinds. In April 1995 Time magazine devoted an eight-page spread to its cover story on miracles, and concluded:"People are hungry for signs."
Look now for the biggest miracle of all. In the very near future a large, bright star will appear in the sky visible to all throughout the world – night and day.
Unbelievable? Fantasy? No, a simple fact. Around a week later Maitreya, the World Teacher for all humanity, will begin His open emergence and – though not yet using the name Maitreya – will be interviewed on major US television.
In 1988 CNN and other media reported on Maitreya’s miraculous appearance to 6,000 people in Nairobi, Kenya, on Saturday 11 June.
A week before the event a remarkable sign occurred: “On Saturday 4 June a big, bright star was sighted, unusually brighter than ordinary stars,” reported Kenya Times editor Job Mutungi.
[Maitreya, as he appeared in Nairobi, Kenya in June 1988]
Maitreya’s miraculous appearance to 6,000 people in Nairobi, Kenya, on 11 June 1988
For over 30 years artist, author and lecturer Benjamin Creme has been preparing the way for the biggest event in history – the emergence of Maitreya and His group, the Masters of Wisdom.
In May 1982 Creme revealed at a packed press conference in Los Angeles that Maitreya had been living in the Asian community of London since 19 July 1977.
Awaited by all faiths under different names, Maitreya is the Christ to Christians, the Imam Mahdi to Muslims, Krishna to Hindus, the Messiah to Jews, and Maitreya Buddha to Buddhists. He is the World Teacher for all, religious or not, an educator in the broadest sense.
As a modern man concerned with today’s problems, Maitreya works behind the scenes of our changing world. The outpouring of His extraordinary energy has been the stimulus for dramatic developments on many fronts: the ending of the cold war; the break-up of the Soviet Union; the reunification of Germany; the ending of apartheid in South Africa; the growing power of the people’s voice, leading to demands for freedom and justice; and the worldwide focus on preserving the environment.
Maitreya’s message can be summarized as “share and save the world”.
He will seek to inspire humanity to see itself as one family, and to create world peace through sharing, economic justice and global co-operation.
With Maitreya and His group working openly in the world, humanity is assured not only of survival but of the creation of a brilliant new civilization.
Please click here for News Release no. 87 December 2008 - Christmas Miracle (PDF) (forbidden)
Maitreya’s first interview
Share International News Release no. 88
22 January 2009
On 12 December 2008 Share International distributed a news release announcing that in the very near future a large, bright star would appear in the sky visible throughout the world, night and day, heralding the imminent appearance of Maitreya in His first interview on a major US television programme. Since early January 2009 sightings of the star have been reported all over the world and hundreds of sightings have been sent to Share International. We include a selection of the latest reports from the media, Share International readers, and sightings from YouTube. All are genuine sightings confirmed by Benjamin Creme’s Master to be the ‘star’.
On 12 December 2008 Share International distributed a news release announcing that in the very near future a large, bright star will appear in the sky visible throughout the world, night and day.
Around a week later Maitreya will give his first interview on major US television.
Since early January 2009 sightings of the star have been reported from Norway, South Africa, the United States, Dubai and Qatar. More and more sightings are now expected. Reports have already appeared in Norwegian newspapers.
A new article by Benjamin Creme’s Master, who is based in the Himalayas, reveals how close we are to witnessing this sign and the historic events which will follow.
Maitreya’s first interview will lead to further and more frequent interviews in the USA, Japan and other countries.
Soon, once again, a star-like luminary of brilliant power will be seen around the world. What does this mean?
How is it possible?
The answer lies in the fact that this mysterious event is a sign, and heralds the beginning of Maitreya’s open mission.
Soon after the sign appears in our skies, Maitreya will give His first media interview on American television.
On that open, public occasion, still unannounced as Maitreya, the World Teacher will present His views on the economic and financial chaos which now grips the world. He will explain its origins and final outcome, and present, to some extent, His recipe for amelioration of the present heavy burden on the poor of the world. Thus He will prepare the way for a more detailed and specific announcement of His ideas.
How will viewers respond? They will not know His background or status.Will they listen to and consider His words? It is too soon to know exactly but the following may be said: never before will they have seen or heard Maitreya speak. Nor, while listening, will they have experienced His unique energy, heart to heart.
Also, this is a unique time in history with whole nations stunned and apprehensive for the future. Therefore it can be assumed that many who hear His words will be open and eager to hear more.
It is not for nothing that Maitreya has waited patiently for this moment to enter the public world; America, for one, would not have responded sooner.
Now, for the first time in many years, a new Administration has to cope with financial chaos, unemployment and social unrest on a massive scale.
The moment of truth for America and the world has arrived.
Not alone in America but worldwide, people are awakening to the need for and the possibility of change. The politicians and economists call the present situation a ‘downturn’ and a ‘recession’. In truth,we are witnessing the last stumbling steps of the old order.
Millions are becoming aware that unbridled competition and greed are not the safest path for men, that such materialistic doctrines create a ‘slippery slope’ for the unwary, and, eventually, the international crisis we have today.
Of course, many people of burgeoning wealth stand clear of the present loss of confidence in the ways which have made them rich, and think it only ‘a matter of time’ until we are back on course and thriving again.
Will they heed Maitreya and recognize the sense of His argument? Lost in their arrogance and self-esteem, possibly not. However, many are less sanguine about a return to the status quo. Many have suffered painful losses and have lost faith in the old methods.
The peoples of the nations are ripe and ready for change. They call out for change and a more meaningful life.
Maitreya will remind men of the essentials without which there is no future for man: Justice and Peace. And the only way to both is through sharing.
(Share International January/February 2009)
Please click for News Release no. 88, 22 January 2009 - Bright star heralds the emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher (PDF) (forbidden)
Share International
News Release no. 89
3 April 2009
For over 30 years author, lecturer and artist Benjamin Creme has been preparing the way for the emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher.
On 12 December 2008, Share International distributed a news release announcing that in the very near future a large, bright Star would appear in the sky, visible throughout the world, night and day.
The Star heralds the imminent emergence of Maitreya, who will be giving His first interview on a major US television programme very soon.
Since January 2009 hundreds of sightings of the Star have been reported worldwide. Videos of the Star posted on YouTube are creating much debate and Share International is receiving more and more photographs showing the Star in a variety of stunning colours and shapes.
In his latest article, Benjamin Creme’s Master reiterates the significance of the Star and seeks to stimulate public discussion about its meaning and purpose.
The restoration of the world
From almost every point of view the situation facing men everywhere grows daily more painful. The economic chaos resulting from years of unlicensed greed and heartless competition lays waste the honest toil and aspiration of countless millions. On the whole, the men of money go blithely on, their treasure intact, while men and women in every country face joblessness, poverty and fear. More accurate readings of climatic changes show men how close this planet is to irreversible calamity, and alarm bells sound loudly on many political fronts, raising to new levels the factor of stress.
How much more of this tension can humanity bear? For how long will men accept, mildly, their fate? Desperate men do desperate deeds and already in their minds, if not yet in their actions, many contemplate revolution.
Behind the scenes, Maitreya watches carefully these happenings, and gives succour wherever the Law allows.
He waits, patiently, for the build-up of response to the sign of His Emergence, the “star-like luminary of brilliant power” on which many now gaze in wonder and even love.
What is desired is some measure of public debate about the significance or meaning of the Star, thus signifying the emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher.
The greater and more public the discussion, the greater does it prepare the way for Maitreya’s entry. Soon there will be no gainsaying. Very soon, Venus will move beyond the sight of men and so leave the platform of the heavens open to the Star. Then there will be no doubt that the Star is there for all to see.
If sufficient discussion can be fostered on the various media and internet it will not be long until men see and hear Maitreya speak. He will not be so called, that men can judge His ideas rather than His status.
As the economic crisis deepens, a singular reaction is appearing in many countries: alongside the fear, bravado and growing despair is a new understanding of the reasons for the crash -- the greed and competitive spirit at the centre of our systems and, therefore, the need for sharing. Of themselves, many are awakening to this basic truth and see sharing as the answer to injustice and war. Thus are many ready for Maitreya’s Call. This realization will grow as the crisis bites deeper and deeper into the shaky fabric of the outworn forms and structures that no longer work, can never be made to work for long.
When Maitreya speaks, He will show that this is so, that the world is ready for the adoption of new and better forms, based on the true needs of the peoples everywhere.
His is the task to focus and strengthen this growing realization of the oneness and unity of men, of their mutual dependence and awakening divinity. Thus will Maitreya and humanity work together for the restoration of this world.
(Share International April 2009)
Please click for News Release no. 89, 3 April 2009 - The Star is seen worldwide (PDF) (forbidden)
April 9, 2013
Since early January 2009, sightings of the 'star' have been reported from many parts of the world, including Australia and New Zealand. Hundreds of sightings have been sent to Share International and many have been reported in the media or uploaded to YouTube.
According to Benjamin Creme, these star-like luminary objects are in fact one of four gigantic space craft from various planets within our solar system, as was the Star of Bethlehem.
Video: Benjamin Creme explains the 'star' and Maitreya's emergence. Includes video and photographs of the 'star'.
See the latest updates on the 'star' sign.
Maitreya steps forward
As of July 2015, Maitreya had given 169 television interviews in the USA, Mexico, Brazil, Russia and China. He continues to move from place to place, giving His advice where he finds a need and a response.
On 20 January 2010, Share International issued a news release announcing that Maitreya had given His first interview on American television.
He was introduced not as Maitreya, the World Teacher and Head of our Spiritual Hierarchy, but simply as a man, one of us. In this way He "ensures that men follow and support Him for the truth and sanity of His ideas rather than for His status." He spoke earnestly of the need for peace, achievable only through the creation of justice and the sharing of the world's resources.
His open mission in the world has now begun.
Video: Benjamin Creme announces Maitreya's first interview.
Who is Maitreya?
Maitreya (pronounced my-tray-uh) is the personal name of the Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy.
He is expected by the world's major religions as the Messiah, Krishna, the Imam Mahdi, Maitreya Buddha, or the Christ. Although the names are different, they all refer to the same individual: Maitreya, the World Teacher.
He will teach humanity "the art of Self-realization." The first steps are "honesty of mind, sincerity of spirit, and detachment."
Maitreya's Priorities
His primary concerns are the economic, political and social imbalances in the world today, and the spiritual crisis at their root. Among Maitreya's recommendations will be a shift in social priorities so that adequate food, housing, clothing, education, and medical care become universal rights. He will launch a call to action to save the millions of people who starve to death every year in a world of plenty.
While the name Maitreya is used by others, their understanding of the World Teacher may not correspond to that presented by Share International. Anyone presently promoting him, or herself as Maitreya or the World Teacher is definitely not the same individual we refer to.
Read more about Maitreya.
Masters of Wisdom
Alice A. Bailey
The Masters of Wisdom, together forming the Spiritual Hierarchy, are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet. They have inspired all the great human achievements, working from behind the scenes through their disciples in every field of endeavour. The Masters guide and teach, but it is humanity itself, responding of its own free will to their stimulus, which creates each new civilization. Today, the Masters are returning to the outer world as a group for the first time in countless millennia.
The existence of the Masters of Wisdom was first disclosed to the West by H. P. Blavatsky as early as 1875. Since then others have come forward with further insights into their lives and teachings. Foremost among these is Alice A. Bailey who, in collaboration with one of the Masters, published nineteen books in the first half of the 20th century about the "Ageless Wisdom" and the science of energies that underlie all life.
Benjamin Creme
For 40 years, Benjamin Creme has been the principal source of information about the emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher and His group, the Masters of Wisdom.
Throughout his early years, Creme studied various aspects of esoteric philosophy; in particular, the teachings released in the late 1800s through Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society, and more recently through Alice A. Bailey.
These teachings led him to believe in the existence of the Masters of Wisdom. In 1959 he was contacted by one of the Masters and was told, among other things, that Maitreya, the World Teacher—the Master of all the Masters—would return in about 20 years and that he [Creme] would have a role to play in the event if he chose to accept it.
Since his first public talk in 1974, millions of people have heard Creme's message of hope, and many have been inspired to help make it known on a worldwide scale.
Benjamin Creme passed away on 24 October 2016, aged 93.
Read more about Benjamin Creme.
Ageless Wisdom Teachings
From ancient times, a body of spiritual teaching known as the Ageless Wisdom has been handed down from generation to generation. A systematic and comprehensive account of the evolution of consciousness in man and nature, it describes how the universe came to exist, how it operates, and man's place within it.
The Ageless Wisdom has provided the inspiration for the arts and sciences throughout the ages and is also the common foundation of all the world's religions.
Read more about the Ageless Wisdom Teachings.
William Milton Cooper: FBI/CIA- trying to get me for years!
Posted by Jeanette ForestaSaturday, August 15, 2009
"Many years ago I had access to a set of documents that I eventually realized was the plan for the destruction of the United States of America and the formation of a socialist totalitarian world government. The plan was contained within a set of Top Secret documents with the title MAJESTYTWELVE... Within MAJESTYTWELVE is Operation Majority, justifying the plan by presenting an extraterrestrial threat as the reason for the necessity for world government... When I saw Operation Majority while serving in the Navy, I believed the alien threat was real just like everyone else. It was not until I had performed many years of research that I was able to fully understand exactly what it was that I had seen. It was extremely difficult for me to believe that my government and the United States Navy had used me, especially since I had dedicated my life to government and military service. Most government and military personnel cannot and will not believe such an idea. The plan is real. The extraterrestrial threat is artificial. The threat is presented through the use of secret technology originally developed by the Germans in their secret weapons programs during WWII, by geniuses like Nikola Tesla and many others."- William "Bill" Cooper (May 6, 1943 - November 5, 2001)Judging from his book Behold a Pale Horse and his website, in which he states that the FBI/CIA have been trying to get him for years! Why?
If you get his book you will be left with your mouth open as you read among other things, the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, The Secret Government, Anatomy of an Alliance, Good Bye America Hello New World Order, and much more.
It is not like he was a fiction writer all his life: he was a former Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member.
Sixteen years of compiling information went into this published script in 1991. Below is a sample of events he has stated has happened in his life.
From page 224 from the book "Behold a Pale Horse":
"ON UFO's: Another plan is in force. It is the plan to prepare the public for eventual confrontation with an alien race. It could also intend to make you believe in an alien race that may not exist. The public is being bombarded with movies, radio, advertising, and TV programs depicting almost every aspect of the purported true nature of an alien presence. This includes the good and the bad.
"Look around and pay attention. Someone is planning to make their presence known and the government is preparing you for it. They do not want any panic. The unprecedented number of sightings worldwide indicates that public exposure is not far off. Never in history have their been so many incidents involving UFO's and never in history have their been so many official acknowledgments."
Bill Cooper warns about up and coming, and new DRUGS:
"For many years the secret government has been importing drugs and selling them to the people, mainly the poor and minorities.
"Social welfare programs were put into place to create a dependent, non-working element in our society. The government then began to remove these programs to force people into a criminal class that did not exist in the '50s and '60s.
"The government encouraged the manufacture of, and importation of, military firearms for criminals to use. This is intended to force a feeling of insecurity which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against fire arms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the anti-Gun lobby.
"Update July 2009: Today, the Arizona Senate passed Senate Bill 1113 by a vote of 19-8. The bill now heads to the desk of Governor Jan Brewer (R) for her consideration. The Governor has ten days, not counting Sundays, to sign or veto the bill.
"Senate Bill 1113, introduced by State Senator Jack Harper (R-4), would allow concealed carry permit holders to take concealed handguns into restaurants that serve alcohol, provided they are not consuming.
"This plan has been well under way and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the second amendment.
"As we reported, two other bills (Senate Bill 1168 and Senate Bill 1243) have already made their way to the Governor.
"SB1168, sponsored by State Senator Russell Pearce (R-18), would permit a law-abiding individual to store their firearms in their locked motor vehicle while parked on a publicly accessible parking lot controlled by their employer or a business they frequent. This bill will protect your right to keep a firearm in your car if you choose to hunt or target shoot before or after work. SB1168 would also allow an individual to keep a firearm in their vehicle for self-defense during their commute to and from work.
"SB1243, sponsored by State Senator Russell Pearce (R-18), would clarify the statutory definition of defensive display of a firearm. This clarification of defensive display of a firearm is a valuable addition to your right to self-defense."
Let me, Jeanette Foresta, remind you his warnings were all written before the Columbine massacre, and those that followed. The gunman child was on Prozac, according to Cooper, a mind control drug, and very dangerous to take. Then he goes on to site several other similar incidents of which the suspect was on Prozac.
"Now more than ever they started with pushing Prozac. Now there are so many Serotonin uptake inhibitors and anti-depressant drugs, which have among other side effects, have suicidal side effects, not to mention how harmful they can be to the liver if you do not get the blood test to check your levels. There are so many commercials now on TV with a long list of side effects, at least they are doing that much!
"I notice in poorer neighborhoods that I pass through, I see billboards on buses, on train stops. Soon if you are not taking something mind altering you are the odd one. What the heck is going on! Are we being implanted with mind control substances that are in the drugs like Prozac, that can be controlled by a device outside our bodies? Do I have too much time on my hands? I think so."
Next, Bill Cooper warns of something else. Paperback: 500 pages
Publisher: Light Technology Publications (December 1, 1991)
"Due to the wave of crime sweeping the nation, the media will convince the American people that a state of anarchy exists within the major cities. They are now building their case nightly on the news and in newspapers. When public opinion has been won to this idea, they intended to state that a terrorist group armed with a nuclear weapons has entered the United States and that they plan to detonate this device in one of our cities. (This has been going on for I'd say the last few years.) This is now been set up by the crisis in the Middle East. The government will then suspend the Constitution and declare Marshall Law.
"This secret alien army of implanted humans and all dissidents--which translates into anyone they choose--will be rounded up and placed in the 1 mi. square concentration camps, which already exist. Are the people whom they intend to place in these concentration camps destined to make up the reported batch consignments of slave labor needed by the space colonies?"
Bill Cooper was one of the first to shed light into these camps way back before his book was published, and everyone did not believe him, or said he was not right in the head, but he was right! Maybe his reason was not right, but the camps are there. See what Glen Beck has on it!
Bill Cooper also had a radio show in which he spoke his mind. He was a true Patriot of America!
Quote from Benjamin Franklin "Any people willing to surrender basic liberty for security, deserve neither."
Original review:
William Milton Cooper, former Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept Top-Secret government files since the 1940's. His audiences hear the truth unfold as he writes about the war on drugs, the "Secret Government," Aids in Africa, and UFOs, including his sighting on a ship with other mates witnessing a large ship rumbling out of the water. "Which now are so well known, they named them SFO's Submerged Flying Objects.
This book, which I read back in 1993, is one of the books that added fuel to the fire of my mind, putting pieces of the puzzle to meld together leading to further investigate other matters.
If you have not read this yet, you will be shocked, perhaps even amused. Nevertheless, you will be left with your mouth open and maybe questioning your sanity, because it will change your view of reality as you know it.
This book was suggested to me from my young cousin, a prison inmate at the time. This is what prisoners are reading, along with the power of the mind and mind control books, like Manson studied. That is why Manson was able to be such a leader of groups of ignorant beings.
I read this book, Behold a Pale Horse, years ago, and since have seen much of what he warned come true, and some not come true yet.
He did warn about things like: "On its way to Jupiter, the entire Galileo spacecraft is powered by the natural radioactive decay of plutonium 238 dioxide into electricity much like a mini nuclear power plant. Its parachute deployed as planned and it dropped its protective shield in order to collect data. What the probe observed, during its 57-minute descent before being crushed by the pressure of Jupiter's dense core, answered many scientists questions as well as bringing up a ton of new ones."
What seems to be true is his warning of Prozac being a mind control drug being used by the government to control minds. He claimed a hit when the Columbine massacre took place, and we learned about one of them being on Prozac or Ritalin, or was it both? The paranoid thought here is that the FBI were behind it somehow, so as to get the gun control laws changed so they would be the only ones to have them--eventually, making it easy to take control if it ever becomes necessary, as in Martial Law.
It seems to me that the only thing that ever happens when it comes to a D-day scenario is more books are sold!
His prediction of the JASON Society trying to stem off the coming Ice Age by blowing up Jupiter with the 79.4 tons of plutonium from Galileo's payload hitting it, did not happen yet, and could not since the fuel will be already gone, right? Or, are we seeing the mysterious spots they just found, or are we getting the effects now?
If it does blow up then "beware the double sun," a Nostradamus prediction could be on the money. People will think it is a sign, according to their own teaching, and that is when the antichrist takes his place in the Vatican. According to Cooper it could be the Lord Maitreya, whom is already groomed and was on the ship at Malta with George Bush, Gorbibachev, and ten regional heads of the New World Order back in the 1990 (page 80).
People call him Jesus reincarnated. But actually he says that he was before Jesus and that Jesus was reincarnated from his spirit. Here is his website:
Editor's Note: The link above no longer works; instead, go to:
There should have been an index for all of the information and sources given in this book. The fact that there is none, makes you wonder.
It is a little hard getting through the economics part but I say it is a worthwhile read. Not something you read right through like a story--you check things he says with what you know and have proven to yourself.
He is not very well liked and has had his life threatened. They also are using the Internet to harass him. His site has been shut down recently. The FBI does not like him and, according to him, he was forced off a cliff by a black limo, and he ultimately lost a leg, when they left him for dead. They just wanted him to keep his big mouth shut. More recently, they are harassing him and his wife in Arizona till this day. He also has a radio show.
He is a bit of a wild turkey, I would guess, but he gave me more information then anyone else up to that point. Questions are being answered, and I am listening.
It took Cooper 16 years to gather this information. He then had to self-publish to get the information out by mailing the manuscript out to various places. Once out, the FBI could not stop it from being read. And back then it hit the market hard. I vaguely remember Black Leaders speaking up about it, and being very angry even more so with the government after reading this book. President Clinton called him the most dangerous man in America in a memo, according to Cooper's website. I think this is a very important book for the entire world to read.
Warning, you will never think the same again...about anything.
A Clinton White House memo labeled Milton William Cooper "the most dangerous radio host in America." Cooper (who believed Clinton to be one of the biggest and most diabolical front men for the New World Order) considered Clinton's pronouncement the greatest compliment that he ever received.The Police Report of when he was shot and killed:
On Nov. 5, 2001 at 11:40 PM, Apache County Sheriff's deputies attempted to serve an arrest warrant on a known felon, William Cooper (58 years of age), at his residence located at 96 North Clearview Circle in Eagar, AZ . Cooper was considered armed and dangerous. During the execution o f this warrant, Cooper was fatally shot by deputies after he shot and struck a sheriff's deputy.
Members of the Apache County Sheriff's Office deployed several deputies in the area adjacent to Cooper's home in an attempt to draw him from his residence to serve an arrest warrant. After leaving his residence in his vehicle, Cooper confronted plainclothes deputies a short distance away. As Cooper drove back to his residence, sheriff's deputies attempted to stop him using a fully marked patrol vehicle to block the roadway. Cooper refused to stop or comply with orders from deputies. Cooper exited his vehicle and ran towards the house, firing shots from a handgun towards deputies. Deputy Robert Martinez of the Apache County Sheriff's Office was struck in the head by at least one round, deputies returned fire striking and fatally wounding Cooper.
Deputy Martinez was transported by ground ambulance to the while Regional Medical Center, and then flown a Trauma Unit in Phoenix. Deputy Martinez was reported to be in critical condition.
Deputy Martinez has served as law enforcement officer for four years and was serving as a tactical officer at the time of the shooting. His experience also includes patrol and criminal investigation. Deputy Martinez is 40 years old and has served as a US Marine during operation desert storm and shield. Deputy Martinez is married with three children.
Cooper threatened to kill law enforcement personnel and make those threats known through the use of his web site, radio station and personal messages. Cooper has a history of harassing and threatening local residents with deadly force. Here recently was charged with aggravated assault and endangerment. Cooper was also wanted by the United States Marshall's office for unrelated felony charges.
Follow in the shooting, the scene was secured by officers from the Eagar Police Department and Apache County sheriff's deputies. The Arizona Department of Public Safety's Special Investigations unit is conducting an investigation into the shooting. DPS special operations were called to the scene to clear the residence of any potential hazards that may exist.
End of police report.
ServeUs in the New Age, April 21, 2009, Freethinker2O12
Barack Hussein Obama Sr.
18 June 1936 – 24 November 1982
Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was a Kenyan senior governmental economist and the father of Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States. He is a central figure of his son's memoir, Dreams from My Father (1995). Obama married in 1954 and had two children with his first wife, Kezia.
He was selected for a special program to attend college in the United States and studied at the University of Hawaii where he met Stanley Ann Dunham, whom he married in 1961. They had a son, Barack II. Dunham divorced Obama three years later.
The elder Obama later went to Harvard University for graduate school, where he earned an M.A. in economics, and returned to Kenya in 1964. He saw his son Barack once more, when he was about 10.
In late 1964, Obama Sr. married Ruth Beatrice Baker, a Jewish-American woman he had met in Massachusetts. They had two sons together before separating in 1971 and divorcing in 1973.
Obama first worked for an oil company, before beginning work as an economist with the Kenyan Ministry of Transport. He gained a promotion to senior economic analyst in the Ministry of Finance. He was among a cadre of young Kenyan men who had been educated in the West in a program supported by Tom Mboya.
Obama Sr. had conflicts with Kenyan president Jomo Kenyatta, which adversely affected his career. He was fired and blacklisted in Kenya, finding it nearly impossible to get a job.
Obama Sr. was involved in three serious car accidents during his final years; he died as a result of the last one in 1982.
NWO Order Plans Exposed by Insider in 1969: One World Government Under the Devil Without Liberty or Justice for All
On March 20, 1969, Dr. Richard Day, an insider to the NWO plans, gave a lecture to a gathering of pediatricians at a meeting of the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society. In his introductory remarks, he commented that he would not have been able to say what he was about to say, even a few years earlier, but he was free to speak at this time because, 'Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now.'
The new system would be brought in — if not by peaceful co-operation with everybody willingly yielding national sovereignty, then by bringing the nation to the brink of nuclear war. Everybody would be so fearful — as hysteria is created by the possibility of nuclear war — that there would be a strong public outcry to negotiate a public peace; and people would willingly give up national sovereignty in order to achieve peace, and thereby this would bring in the 'New International Political System.'
If there were too many people in the right places who resisted this, there might be a need to use one or two or possibly more nuclear weapons. By the time one or two of those went off then everybody, even the most reluctant, would yield.
This negotiated peace would be very convincing," as in a framework or in a context that the whole thing was rehearsed but nobody would know it. People hearing about it would be convinced that it was a genuine negotiation between hostile enemies who finally had come to the realisation that peace was better than war.
His purpose in telling our group about the changes which were to be brought about [especially regarding medicine and their planned control over it, including eliminating solo practitioners and limiting access to affordable health care] was to make it easier for us to adapt to these changes.
Indeed, as he quite accurately said, "There would be changes that would be very surprising, and in some ways difficult for people to accept," and he hoped that we, as sort of his friends, would make the adaptation more easily if we knew somewhat beforehand what to expect.
Change was to be brought about, change was to be anticipated and expected, and accepted, no questions asked. A comment he made from time to time during the presentation was, "People are too trusting; people don't ask the right questions." Sometimes, being too trusting was equated with being too dumb. But sometimes when he would say that "people don't ask the right questions," it was almost with a sense of regret as if he were uneasy with what he was part of, and wished that people would challenge it and maybe not be so trusting.
- Dr. Lawrence Dunegan, Pittsburgh pediatrician on his recollections of the lecture (recorded on tape in 1988; see line below for the full transcript and videos)
Global Warming Zealot Pope Francis (the False Prophet) is a Member of the Jesuit Society, a Secret Military Organization Which Has Instigated Most of the Wars in Europe:
Jesus said: “Look up, your redemption is near.” There’s no way to convince the masses, but the DESTRUCTION that comes suddenly is the Rapture! Plus, more people will be saved in the tribulation than any other time!
Maitreya is Not Jesus Christ
Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Satan controls the world, in part, through the influence of Luciferian worshippers such as: Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Albert Pike, Benjamin Creme, and Aleister Crowley. Lucis Trust propagates the work of an “Ascended Master” (i.e., a demon possessed man) who was working “through” Alice Bailey for 30 years. Just as Christians look to the Bible for spiritual guidance, so do occultists look to the writings of Luciferians such as Alice Bailey for spiritual (demonic) guidance. It's the Word of God verses the Devil. Don't you understand my friend, everyone is somebody's slave. If you don't want a good God to rule over you, then you will be enslaved to a cruel Devil.
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation."
-David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations
According to Alice Bailey, the Hierarchy of Ascended Masters who are responsible for humanity's evolution are led by a trinity of Supreme Beings (The Destiny of Nations, p.23). Alice Bailey's trinity includes Sanat Kumara, The Christ (Maitreya), and Lucifer. Although taught as separate beings, they are almost indistinguishable from one another.
Benjamin Creme
By Terry Melanson, 2001
(Last update: May 7th, 2005)
In 1959, the "Ascended Masters" contacted Benjamin Creme - an obscure English painter who dabbled in the occult - Creme was told to perform a mission: the advancement of the Masters’ plan for humanity.
Creme was instructed to prepare the way for one Lord Maitreya - a Master and self-proclaimed christ who would soon begin to assume a human form to begin preparing humanity for the Age of Aquarius.
The Aquarian Age would be a time of peace, plenty, perfect equality, and global governance under the Masters, via the United Nations.
In 1980 Creme wrote a book called The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, which is an account of his telepathic communication with Maitreya and the history of his involvement with the occult dating back to the 1940’s. These messages received from Maitreya represents the most dominate strain of the present-day New Age eschatological religion.
In the preface to his 1980 book, Creme states that his career in the occult began through a study of Wilhelm Reich’s work and the use of the orgone accumulator. He became "consciously aware of, and extremely sensitive to, energy currents."
He continues in the preface of The Reappearance of Christ,
"I also began to read. I read, among others, the Theosophical works of H.P. Blavatsky and Leadbeater; Gurdjieff, Ouspensky and Nicoll; Paul Brunton; Patanjali; the Alice Bailey and Agni Yoga teachings; Swamis Vivekananda and Yogananda; Sri Ramana Maharishi, whose path of self-knowledge I sought to follow."
In mid-1957 he worked with a group which claimed contact with the Space Brothers, and discovered his ability to transmit energies from the Space People. In 1958 Creme entered into close contact and began to work for the Space Brothers. Creme also worked briefly with contactee George Adamski, vouching for the authenticity of Adamski’s contacts from his own experiences.
By 1974, Creme and his small group, received a series of overshadowing messages by Maitreya, which launched him on his career to affirm his coming. It’s revealing to note that Creme also mentions that his group would often make contact with Maitreya in ceremonies that were held on the full moon, and at various times of Astrological significance.
Creme travels and lectures all over the world, while his organization, Share International, promulgates the gospel according to Maitreya. Each month Share International puts out a newsletter with articles ranging from globalist politics and finance to occult phenomena, including UFO sightings. Also featured is a message from Maitreya, which, it is claimed, is communicating telepathically via Creme.
Each issue of Share International’s monthly magazine features a brief synopsis of the emergence of Maitreya on the first two pages and then a brief message that has been trance-channeled through Benjamin Creme from an Ascended Master known simply as "The Master" on page three.
The spiritual thrust of SI is clearly obvious in each issue that is published. Despite this fact, or perhaps because of it, SI has a long list of prominent, well respected international diplomats, religious leaders and political figures who have had articles published in this magazine.
They include articles written by:
- former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali
- present Secretary General Kofi Annan
- former President of Ireland Mary Robinson
- Gro Harlem Brundtland who is director-general of the World Health Organization and former Prime Minister of Norway
- the Dalai Lama
- recently even Britain’s Crown Prince Charles
Even though the average man off the street would most likely dissolve into hysterical laughter upon being presented with the beliefs of Creme and Share International, it is easily shown that this magazine is well-respected and taken seriously by many influential members of the Global Elite.
In fact, Share International Foundation is accredited as an official non-governmental organization (NGO) by the United Nations, and the magazine, as stated on the inside cover of each issue, is published by Share International,
" association with the Department of Public Information at the United Nations."
(Webmaster’s Note: The information in the above paragraph was found at Red Moon Rising, notes and sources are cited.)
Follow your ’Ascended’ Master
The following is collection of quotes from Creme’s The Reappearance of The Christ and the Masters of Wisdom (1980). If what he says is true, then the infiltration of the government by Luciferic agents is already a reality today.
These agents, we are told, are directed by the Hierarchy of Ascended Masters and are working together to bring about the New World Order right under our noses. The reader will be reminded of the quotes from Marilyn Ferguson in another page, regarding this very same conspiracy.
No narrative is necessary, the message is crystal clear:
From these existing groups (New Age plants) in all fields of work - political, religious, social, scientific, educational and cultural - will be formed a nucleus who will be trained directly by the Master himself. Gradually they will be called upon for help and advice by governmental agencies, and their effective power to influence governmental decisions will increase. THEY CAN THUS DIRECTLY LAY THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER.
Administrative and Governmental positions will be offered to certain members of the inner group who can then directly implement the needed changes. In this way a gradual transformation of society will be made...
The Hierarchy has plans already made and ready to put into effect. These involve the reconstruction of the world financial and economic order. A group of high initiates, themselves economists, industrialists, and financial experts of great experience and achievement, are working with the Hierarchy and have evolved a series of blueprints, alternative inter-related plans, which will solve the redistribution problems which are at the basis of the present world crisis.
These can and will be speedily implemented when the need is seen and accepted, which acceptance will be forced on the United Nations of the world by the weight of a now informed public opinion. The cry for help and justice from the poor and starving nations will be too loud and too dramatic to ignore.
According to Benjamin Creme, The Ascended Masters live in a dimension that hovers over the Gobi Desert (Shamballa), are led by Sanat Kumara, which Theosophist Dane Rudyar referred to as "King Satan."
The world has been continually infiltrated by Theosophists, with what they believe to be consciousness-altering "light" in order to prepare us for the unity necessary to receive Sanat Kumara as our world leader and true spiritual identity.
The next expected avatar who will bridge the gap between western and eastern mysticism will supposedly be Maitreya, who is one of the higher Kumaras, who will usher in the wide reception of Sanat Kumara.
Creme says that the aspect of God that we aspire to is the Logos of our planet, who is embodied for us as Sanat Kumara, on Shamballa. He is our,
"Father ....In the coming age many, many people will see God as Sanat Kumara and take the third initiation ....When you take the third initiation you see God, as Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the world, who is a real physical being in etheric matter on Shamballa."
(Reappearance of Christ and The Masters of Wisdom, p. 135)
Creme talks about Maitreya being the 1st and 2nd initiations who "prepares the way" for this "Lord of the World" - "Sanat Kumara", the third initiation.
David Spangler another Blavatsky/Bailey disciple makes no bones about the identity of this initiator.
He calls this the "Luciferic Initiation."
The true light of Lucifer cannot be seen through sorrow, through darkness, through reflection. The true light of this great being can only be recognized when one’s own eyes can see with the light of the Christ, the light of the inner sun. Lucifer works within each of us to bring us to wholeness, and as we move into the New Age, which is the age of man’s wholeness, each of us is brought to that point which I term the Luciferic Initiation, the particular doorway through which the individual must pass if he is to come fully into the presence of his light and his wholeness.
Lucifer comes to give us the final gift of wholeness. If we accept it, then he is free and we are free, that is the Luciferic Initiation. It is one that many people now, and in the days ahead, will be facing, for it is an initiation into the New Age.
- David Spangler,
Reflections on the Christ, Findhorn Lecture Series, 3rd ed., 1981; p. 45
Lucifer and Maitreya
In his Tara Center’s ad in 1982, Benjamin Creme stated:
"What is the Plan? It included the installation of a new world order government and new world religion under Maitreya."
At his Share International website Creme has a question and answer format describing the teachings of Maitreya.
Do you accept the interpretation of Lucifer as the Fallen Angel of Evil? (Maitreya’s teachings on religion)
No, I do not. I think this is a complete misunderstanding of Lucifer by christian teaching. The name ’Lucifer’ means, literally, ’light’. The word comes from the latin root: lux, lucis - light; and fer, ferre - to bring. It means therefore, light-bringing and is the name of the planet Venus as the morning star.
Far from being evil it is pure light. In the esoteric teaching, Lucifer is the name for the great angelic Entity who embodies the human kingdom on the soul plane.
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. II Cor. 11:14-15
Maitreya teaches idol worship
What is the role of devotion in religious attitude (for example, the cult of Christ and Mary?) Is such devotion misplaced or valid (based on fact)?
Devotion is the expression of the love of the devotee for God as exemplified by the object of devotion - the Guru, Christ, Madonna, and so on. It is one of the two major paths to God-realization (the other is knowledge). Eventually, devotion must give way to knowledge and the devotee or mystic must become the occultist or knower.
Creme denies the creator and promotes the Heresy of Lucifer, in which the serpent invited Eve to partake (Gen. 3:5).
What will you say is the purpose behind creation? (Ageless Wisdom teachings and spirituality. Basic tenets FAQ)
There is only one purpose that we can know about in the whole of cosmos - the service of cosmos by cosmos. If it is true to say that we are God, there is no such thing as God out there and us here. God is a state of Being, a state of consciousness. When you have that state of consciousness, you know that you are God.
Alice Bailey founded the Lucifer Trust, which she later changed to the Lucis Trust - what did she mean by Lucifer?
Lucifer is the name of a great Angel, not an upstart in heaven who revolted against God and was put down into the nether regions as the Devil....the angel who ensouls the human kingdom; every person, therefore, is a fragment of Lucifer. According to the esoteric teaching, the human souls individualized 18.5 million years ago. Lucifer, the Oversoul, diversified itself, and each fragment became individualized.
That’s funny the word of God tells me otherwise:
"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou has said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High." Isaiah 14: 12-15
And the great Dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Rev. 12:9
Maitreya in another page at Creme’s Share International gives his disciples a prayer for the New Age. Read the following with Genesis 3:4-5 in mind:
“And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall surely not die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil.”
A prayer for the New Age
I am the creator of the universe.
I am the father and mother of the universe.
Everything came from me.
Everything shall return to me.
Mind spirit and body are my temples,
for the self to realize in them
My supreme being and becoming.
Now would the true Christ return to deny God and give the same message that the serpent gave to Eve; we can become Gods.
Creme teaches that the Christ Maitreya has returned as the World Teacher and that his teaching is the art of "self-realization" or in other words, man has the capacity to become God by occult initiatory methods.
Whether Benjamin Creme’s channeled "Master" is, in fact, the antichrist or not, remains to be seen. However, the teaching of man’s divinity is the crux of the New Age-New World Order, and its various "light-bearers" have successfully ingrained this idea into the minds of humanity - a clear invitation to partake "in fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil".
We know who brought that first message in the Garden, and the startling thing is that they readily admit that its Lucifer bringing this same "initiation."
Incidentally, New Age leader John Randolph Price admits that,
"Those who follow the path of Lucifer are called ’light-bearers’ in the world."
The Plan of the Hierarchy of Ascended Masters is a New World Religion and a New World Order, with a "Christ" and one "Sanat Kumara" at it’s head.
Jesus said there will be many false Christs (Matt. 24:23,24), and warns of this as a sign just before his return.
First the New Age Hierarchy had to ingrain their "Divine Plan" into the minds of an already spiritually-empty society, which our Western culture has been for generations.
What was the Plan, you say?
John Randolph Price, writes:
“Has it not occurred to you what the Divine Plan is? The Divine Plan for your life is the Christ (self) indwelling, your spiritual nature, your Superconsciousness, your LORD ... The Light of God within you, your True Self.”
- The Planetary Commission, p.68
cover of each issue, is published by Share International,
" association with the Department of Public Information at the United Nations."
(Webmaster’s Note: The information in the above paragraph was found at Red Moon Rising, notes and sources are cited.)
An Interview with Benjamin Creme: Manifesting the Divine (Excerpt)
By Jason Francis
OMTimes Magazine
July 2010 Edition
The World Teacher Will Show Us the Way
Scottish born artist, author, futurist and editor of Share International magazine, Benjamin Creme has been lecturing about the emergence of the World Teacher, Maitreya (My-tray-uh), for over 35 years. I had the privilege of interviewing Benjamin Creme by telephone for OM Times during his May 2010 lecture tour of Japan.
Jason Francis
Who is Maitreya?
Benjamin Creme
Maitreya is the head and leader of a group of (from our point of view) completely perfected Men: Masters of Wisdom, as They’re called. They are Men who have gone ahead of us in evolution and have finished the evolution of this planet. They don’t even have to be on this planet but many of Them remain and oversee the evolution of the rest of us—that’s Their role.
They are a kind of inner government of the planet. They know the Plan of Evolution, which is in the mind of the Logos of this planet: the great Heavenly Man Whose body of expression this planet is. They seek to put that Plan into operation through humanity and the lower kingdoms.
Many different religious groups see Maitreya as the One they are expecting. Christians await the return of the Christ who through Jesus said He would appear again—not when He would appear, but that He would come again. Maitreya embodies what we call the Christ Principle (the energy of love); not just transmits or channels it through Himself but embodies it in His own Being. And so He is the Christ.
Two thousand years ago He worked through Jesus. Jesus in the esoteric tradition is not the Christ but the vehicle for the Christ. The Christ Himself being Maitreya. This is the age-old way for a teacher to come. For example, 600 years before Jesus the Buddha manifested Himself through the Prince Guatama. And Guatama Buddha became known as the Buddha, but He wasn’t the Buddha. He was the vehicle for the Buddha, a body through which the Buddha worked. That’s the way the teachers have come to the Earth right up until this time.
This time it’s different. Maitreya has found a way in which He Himself can come to the world; not through a disciple like Jesus or Krishna or the way the Buddha worked through Guatama, but in His own Being. And so we have the return of the Christ in completeness and not working through a lesser Being.
Muslims await Him as the great Imam: the Imam Mahdi. Hindus await Him as the return of Krishna, or some believe He is Kalki Avatar—the teacher for this coming Age. Buddhists await him under His name, Maitreya Buddha. Before He died the Prince Guatama gave a message from the Buddha, which was that at this time would come into the world a great Teacher by the name Maitreya who, by dint of His tremendous spiritual status, would galvanize and inspire humanity into the creation of a brilliant, golden civilization based, as He put it, on righteousness and truth. So for these last two thousand and a half years the Buddhists have awaited the return of Maitreya Buddha.
But they have no idea of the time. Some imagine it in 2,000 or 3,000 years from now, some in 200,000 years from now. I’m speaking from Japan, as you know, and the Japanese believe that the Buddha will indeed return as Maitreya Buddha, but it will be in 650,000,000 years, or something like that. So there is no hurry from their point of view.
My information is that Maitreya, the head and leader of our Spiritual Hierarchy, is the embodiment of all these expectations. He is the Christ to Christians; the Buddha to Buddhists; Krishna returned or Kalki Avatar to Hindus; the Messiah of the Jews; the Imam Mahdi to Muslims. And many of them believe He is coming very, very soon, within two or three years. In fact, some believe He is already in the world. They are quite right. My experience is that Maitreya has been literally, physically, in the everyday world of our life, in the middle of our life, living in the Asian community of London since July 19, 1977.
How did you become involved in the work of telling the world of Maitreya’s Emergence?
Benjamin Creme
I was contacted by one of His disciples—a Master of Wisdom—way back in January of 1959. In a few months, March 1959, I was brought into the Hierarchy and had a great experience in which Maitreya said that He Himself was coming sooner than anyone thought possible.
He said it would be in about twenty years. In the event it was eighteen years. He said I would have a role in His coming (He didn’t say what the role was) if I accepted it. I was filled with His energy, the subject of tremendous power and love. It was a transfiguring experience. And so I said I’m your man, whatever it is I have to do I’ll do. So that’s what I’ve been doing since 1975: preparing the way for the return of the Christ (in Christian terms) although He is also seen by all these other groups under these different names.
You talked about a group of divine Men known as the Masters of Wisdom, the inner government of the planet. Where do the Masters come from and are They like us?
Benjamin Creme
They are exactly like us. They are like ordinary Men living in the world except that They have gone ahead of us in evolution. They haven’t changed Their physical appearance but They have evolved Their consciousness until They are like Gods. They have a God-like consciousness. They are divine in that sense but They see us as divine in exactly the same sense. They see no difference in Their divinity and our divinity. They see life as the sphere in which divinity exists. They see all of us as living in a divine and spiritual universe and They see the nature of all life as spiritual.
Maitreya comes as a great Teacher about the nature of life. He makes no difference between His life and our life. He says: “Don’t worship Me. If you worship Me you are putting Me above you. And I am not above you. I am at exactly the same point. There is only divinity. There is no greater or lesser divinity. There is just one divinity and we all share it.” So He sees us as divine as He is. Only from a mental, or awareness, point-of-view He is far, far older then we are and has evolved to a point where He can demonstrate His divinity. We can’t demonstrate our divinity if we don’t even know we are divine.
Speaking of the Masters as having gone ahead of us in evolution, you’ve talked in the past about meditation and service as levers of evolution. Is there a scientific basis to meditation and service if we are spiritually evolving?
Benjamin Creme
Meditation and service are prime poles in what we call spiritual advancement. We are all on a spiritual path and that path is known by the Masters because They have all traveled that path and have come, as far as this planet is concerned, to the end of the path. So They can teach us about the nature of the path, the way to the path, how to remain on the path and serve the path. Meditation and service are part of that experience.
When a person is ready to work consciously with his or her evolution, the soul, because each of us is a divine soul, prompts its reflection (that’s the man or woman on the physical plane) into taking up some form of meditation. And meditation brings the person closer and closer to the soul and eventually to complete at-one-ment with that soul. That’s the purpose of meditation: to bring the person into at-one-ment with their soul.
Evolution is really the process by which we become more-and-more identified with and express our soul. The soul is a reflection of the supreme, divine Being Who lies behind all manifestation. So the soul is perfect in every way and we gradually become more-and-more perfect as we become more-and-more like the nature of the soul. That’s what evolution is: the evolution of consciousness.
I’m not talking about the evolution of the physical bodies, which evolve from the animal kingdom. All of the kingdoms evolve from the kingdom below it: the first is the mineral kingdom; from that came the vegetable kingdom; from that grew the animal kingdom; and from the animal kingdom came the human kingdom. We owe our bodies to the animal kingdom. But we are not animals. We are human beings, something different.
That difference is that we are souls—reflections of souls. The soul reflects the divine and reflects itself further as the human being. And so we are really three-fold. We are human beings, men and women on the physical plane. This is a dense physical planet and we are in dense physical bodies but essentially that is the lowest aspects of ourselves. We are really the soul at a higher aspect, and at a higher aspect still we are divinity Itself.